Reaching the people in our sphere of influence is the responsibility of every believer. The goal of Shank Family Ministries is to help pastors and their people fulfill this responsibility by offering various ministry opportunities and schedules to help meet the needs of your ministry. Whether it is our Pizza Warz teen outreach, a Men's "Steak-Out", a "Home Improvement" series on God's design for the home, our goal is to assist your ministry in meeting the needs of those around you. Our schedule is flexible to accommodate Sunday-Wednesday, Sunday-Friday, Wednesday-Sunday, Friday-Sunday meetings or any time period that will fit your schedule. Below are a few ideas of various ministry opportunities and outreaches that our family could possibly assist your ministry.
Evangelistic/Revival Meetings: A typical week of meetings begins on a Sunday and would end the following Wednesday or Friday. However, some ministries prefer to start the meetings on Wednesday so as to challenge and encourage believers in their walk with the Lord and then push for a great outreach on the following Sunday. A Wednesday-Sunday meeting could include a picnic on Saturday to invite visitors for a day of food, fun, fellowship, and a presentation of the Gospel and an invitation to attend the final meeting on Sunday. There are many other options that could be considered and we would be delighted to discuss with you various options that could be a blessing to your ministry.
Pizza Warz: Pizza Warz is an outreach designed to provide teens with an opportunity to invite their friends to several nights of exciting competitions, humorous skits, a gospel message and end the week by enjoying some good pizza. This outreach runs from 3-5 nights and the goal is to invite as many unsaved and unchurched young people to hear a gospel message with the hope that the seed of the Gospel will take root and bear fruit in their lives and provide the church with opportunities to disciple the teen and reach their parents with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We will work with your church and teen group to reach teens in your public schools, after-school programs, public sporting events, and neighborhoods to invite them to the meeting and present them with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or would like to schedule a Pizza Warz event in your area.
VBS: Vacation Bible School continues to be a great way for churches to present the gospel to young people and their families all across America. A well-run program can help excite young people and encourage them to invite their friends to attend VBS at their church. Our family can work with your church to help plan the event, present the Gospel, and provide support for various other events during the VBS week.
Camps/Retreats: The camp ministry has been used by God to reach countless people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to encourage believers to take another step spiritually in their relationship with God. It is an atmosphere of high energy and excitement all focused on preaching the Gospel and discipling believers. If we could assist your camp, please feel free to contact us.
Family Matters: Family matters is a weekend or week-long conference designed to strengthen families with practical truths from the Word of God. Satan is seeking to destroy your culture, your community, and your church by destroying the basic institution of the family. The goal of Family Matters is to strengthen families by echoing the Biblical teaching of your church by providing a concentrated series on the God-given roles within the family. If you would be interested in hosting a Family Matters Conference, feel free to contact us to schedule dates that will work in your schedule.
Monster Miler OCR: Our goal is to help your church reach out to teens, young adults, and families by helping you coordinate a Monster Miler Obstacle Course Race that would be hosted by your church or by several churches in your area. This is an opportunity to capitalize on one of the fastest growing and exciting races in the country and use it as an opportunity to evangelize the lost in your area while utilizing and developing disciples in your church. The scope of people who can be reached by hosting a Monster Miler OCR range from teens to older adults and we also offer a course that is geared for families. If you would be interested in hosting a Monster Miler OCR or have more questions about the possibilities of reaching your community with the Gospel of Christ through this event please feel free to call or email us. For a quick preview, click on to view a promo video from one of our events.
Night of Records: This is an exciting night of activities where young people compete against themselves and their friends to see who can capture the best individual score or time in various events. Each event is designed to challenge the individual's mental, physical, athletic, and technological ability as well as their ability to control thier nerves as they race to earn the best time or score. The number and type of competitive events (anywhere from 20 to over 50 activities) varies with the location and host facitility but each Night of Records event includes a time of competition, refreshments, and presentation of the Gospel. For more information or to host a Night of Records event at your mnistry, please contact us.