Our Story: Background & Testimonies

Shorty and Jennifer met in high school.  They both attended and graduated from Calvary Baptist Academy (Clymer, PA).  Shorty graduated in 1994 and attended Maranatha Baptist Bible College in the fall of 1994.  Jennifer would graduate in 1996 and began attending Maranatha in the fall.   During their college years, both were active in their local church and served in multiple areas of ministry.  Shorty finished his Biblical Studies degree in 1998 and Jennifer completed her Early Childhood Degree in 1999.  They were then married in June, 1999. 

After his graduation in 1998, Shorty served on staff at MBBC as the College Representative.  After their marriage in 1999, Shorty and Jennifer would continue to travel for MBBC as a couple.  It was during this time that the Lord allowed Shorty and Jennifer to visit Keystone Baptist Church and they later agreed to serve on staff at Keystone.  They served at Keystone from 2000 to 2012. 

While at Keystone, Shorty and Jennifer have served in many areas of ministry.  Through his years as Assistant Pastor, Shorty has filled the roles of youth and music pastor, choir director, counselor, teacher, outreach and discipleship coordinator, children's ministry director, summer camp director, as well as teacher, guidance counselor, and coach in the church academy.   Jennifer, while assisting Shorty in these areas, has served as pianist, counselor, ladies' Bible study and Sunday School teacher, nursery director, special meetings and group coordinator, teacher and coach in the church academy, and KCA Preschool Director.

During their time at Keystone God blessed Shorty and Jennifer with four children:  Meghan ('02), Joseph ('04), Katelyn ('06), and Laina ('09).  It is a privilege to serve God together as a family.  It has always been a goal to incorporate their children into the ministry and teach them that God desires to use them now.  For that reason, they have been involved in activity preparation, activities, various outreach opportunities, mission trips, and much more.  The family is excited about God's leading and about serving God in this new ministry opportunity.

Contact Us Today!

Shank Family Ministries
11406 Rt 286 Hwy E
Clymer, PA 15728


Phone: 540.247.1373
E-mail: sfeministries@gmail.com


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© Glen Shank